Meet The Team

Rachelle, The Artist
Rachelle is a fiber artist living in south east Ohio. Embroidery was first just a hobby but quickly turned into a full time gig as her popularity grew and demand for her work took off. She is well known among horror geeks for her creepy pieces and her dark sense of humor.

You can find her at craft shows in the Ohio Valley and Pittsburgh area.


Rachelle, The Maker

Benny, Regional Manager

On vacation 🌈

Dale Cooper, Assistant to the Regional Manager

Identity theft is not a joke, Jimger.

Kitty Amazing, The Supurrvisor

Being approachable isn’t that important anyway. The Queen hasn’t smiled since the ‘70's and her birthdays are still very well attended.

Seth, Quabity Assurance

If I can’t scuba what’s this all been about?

JimGer, Sales

Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.

Ripley, The Receptionist

Banned from every Chili’s.

Macky, Accounting

Why waste time say lot word, when few word do trick?

Lucifer (Luci),

Jr Salesman

Definitely started the fire.